
Internationale Gemeinde Christi Zurich

Zurich lies in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, embedded between the lake of Zurich and the surrounding hills. Zurich, although it is the largest city of Switzerland, is relatively small. With a population of 400’000, you can cross the city in 30 minutes by bike. Nevertheless, being the financial capital of Switzerland and hosting the best-ranked university in continental Europe makes Zurich an international hub. Historically, Zurich was one of the birthplaces of the reformation as well as the Anabaptist movement.

The internationale Gemeinde Christi Zürich (international Church of Christ Zurich) was founded in 1993 and today has 70 disciples and the same amount of children. We are a family oriented church with a growing youth and campus ministry – aiming to be involved in each other’s life and striving to make a difference to the people in our city. We meet at Rosengartenstrasse 1 for your Sunday services, but once a month are gathered in individual homes.

Website: www.igchristi.ch

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