International Campus Ministry Conference 2025

Project Registration status is: open

The church of Tallinn will organize the International Campus Ministry Conference 2025 from April 18 – 21, 2025.

See: ICMC 2025 teaser

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Project Registration status is: open

ESOM is the European School of Missions for Western Europe.

ESOM’s objective is to train young people to go on missions (Evangelists, women leaders,…) and to lead in a variety of ways in churches, including the possibility as paid staff.

ESOM’s role is also to help build relationships between future leaders

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New-Year Eve Retreat 2024

Project Registration status is: closed

After four years of great success for the New-Year’s Eve retreat, it is coming back this year with the help of the European Federation.
This amazing retreat will take place in the magnificent Italian Alps during 4 days from December 27, 2024 to January 2, 2025. It will be a unique opportunity to praise God through worship, communion with Him and with the family, and through love for Him and for the family.

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European Bible School

Project Registration status is: closed

Have you ever wished for a deeper understanding of a Bible book? Do some Biblical texts seem too far removed from the concerns and conflicts of today’s world? Have you ever been confused by the symbolic language of John? Do the links between the Old Testament and the New Testament sometime seem mysterious? To what extent can exegesis, hermeneutics and history be useful and interesting?

If you can relate to any of these questions, participate to the next EBS session on-line!

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Swiss Camp Préados 2024

Project Registration status is: closed

The Swiss Preteen Camp is a week where about 50 preteens from France, Belgium and Switzerland meet at Les Diablerets in the Swiss Alps.
This event is organized every year and offers a unique opportunity to learn more about God while having fun together!

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Swiss Camp Ados 2024

Project Registration status is: closed

The Swiss Teen Camp is a week where about 60 teens from France, Belgium and Switzerland meet at Les Diablerets in the Swiss Alps.
This event is organized every year and offers a unique opportunity to learn more about God while having fun together!

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Swiss Campus Retreat 2024

Project Registration status is: closed

The European Federation has the privilege to organize an amazing campus retreat in the magnificent Swiss Alps during 7 days in August.
These last years we had a fantastic time gathering students from all Europe in this special place that reminds us God’s creation.

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Swiss Young Professionals Retreat 2024

Project Registration status is: closed

Inspired by the success of Campus Retreats in the Diablerets, we are inviting all young professionals to live a new amazing week in the magnificent Swiss Alps.

We will welcome you in the Chalet Les Bosquets in the Diablerets from the 10 th to the 17 th of August 2024.


The teaching will be in English and a French translation will be provided.
We are looking forward to living this new adventure with you.

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German Teencamp 2024

Project Registration status is: closed

German Teen Camp is a week where over 120 preteens and teens from Germany and Switzerland meet in a different city in Germany every year to learn more about God!
In 2022, the Teen Camp was in the Jugendherberge Lauterbach / Hessen.
This year the camp will be in the Freizeitdorf Flensunger Hof / Hessen.

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French Singles/Young Couples Retreat 2023

Project Registration status is: closed

Si vous êtes célibataires ou jeunes mariés sans enfant, et vous parlez couramment le français, cet événement est pour vous !
Nous vous invitons en effet à partager un week-end de CONVIVIALITE, FRATERNITE ET SPIRITUALITE aux MAISONS DU BONHEUR situées à Fleurie dans le Beaujolais (France – 69).

Le thème pour cette année sera: “LIBRE GRÂCE À JÉSUS
Jean 8, 36 « Si donc le fils vous libère, vous serez réellement libres. »

Si vous n’êtes pas pas encore convaincu de vouloir vous inscrire, prenez le temps de voir la bande d’annonce de l’événement. Et n’hésitez pas à partager le lien avec vos amis !

Ensemble célébrons PÂQUES dans un lieu d’exception situé au milieu d’un vignoble classé Géoparc mondial UNESCO

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REDAXO 5 rocks!